Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do Free Market Policies Lead to a "Race to the Bottom"? (Hint: No)

The recent entry of Texas Governor Rick Perry into the Republican presidential race has produced a stampede of bad op-eds and blog posts from Democrats and other liberals seeking to discredit him and/or Texas' amazing successes.  There are a lot of bad hit-pieces out there at this point - and a lot of great rebuttals (see, e.g., here, here, here, here and especially here) - but for my money the worst so far is today's Politico op-ed by Delaware Governor Jack Markell, who warns that Governor Perry's radical, free market ideas would lead to a "race to the bottom" in the United States:
Perry argues that if the nation adopts his approach to business development — based on less regulation, less taxation and less litigation — the economy “will absolutely take off like a rocket.”

Perry’s priorities are not unimportant. But there are lots of countries with no regulation, little taxation and no real threat of litigation — usually also where wages are low and much of the wealth resides with a tiny slice of the elite.

That’s a lousy model for middle-class Americans....

The model favored by Perry is fueled by low-wage jobs, which creates a race to the bottom. The middle-class model involves competing with other countries in a race to the top — to attract research and development operations, high-end manufacturing, design shops and the like.
Now, leaving aside the fact that it's a total myth that the jobs created in Texas are all low-wage "McJobs," or that Perry adopted some sort of scorched earth campaign against government spending - on education, infrastructure or anything else - during his tenure as Governor, I'd like to focus tonight on Governor Markell's main message: that fiscally conservative, free market, "tea party" policies have lead to a "race to the bottom" around the world and would inevitably do the same here in the United States.  Is that really a credible premise?  Are the free market countries championed by fiscal conservatives all banana republics with "low wages" and tremendous income inequality?

In short, no.  Not at all.

Indeed, had the Governor even done the most basic of research, he would have seen that the most "free market" ("free-marketest"?) countries in the world, praised by conservatives and libertarians alike, are also some of the wealthiest, most modern and, in many cases, most "progressive."  For example, the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom, which examines countries against a series of fiscally-conservative benchmarks (e.g., low taxes, limited regulations, free trade, small government), lists such backwards, downtrodden places as Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, Ireland, Denmark in its top ten "most free" countries.  Indeed, the only country that could possible meet Governor Markell's misleading description is Bahrain.

Meanwhile, the libertarian Frazer Institute's Economic Freedom of the World Report, using similar measures of economic freedom (including limited government), lists most of the same countries that Heritage's Index identified: Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, Chile, Canada, Australia, Mauritius, and the United Kingdom.  What horrible, dangerous countries!

Oh, wait.

On the other hand, the countries that rank near the bottom (or, on Gov. Markell's apparent scale, the top!) of these lists are such liberal paradises as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Myanmar, Zimbabwe and Libya.

Sign me up!

In all seriousness, this simple example makes it abundantly clear that the Governor has no idea what he's talking about when he says that, if President Rick Perry turned the United States into some sort of "tea party paradise," it would inevitably turn into a third-world disaster zone.  The world's real free market paradigms, according to the very fiscal conservatives that Governor Markell openly derides, are some of the richest, healthiest and most developed countries in the world.  Considering that a simple Google search makes this fact abundantly clear, the Governor's either really slow or really disingenuous.

I'm guessing the latter, but, well, you never know.

But, hey, maybe the Governor has some fantastic ideas of his own that could somehow trump the centuries of proven prosperity that free market capitalism has repeatedly provided across the globe:
Building a sizable, vibrant and growing middle class requires great schools, a highly trained workforce and an attractive and exciting quality of life. That’s why initiatives like common core standards, heightening our focus on STEM education (science, education, engineering and math) and investing in our state and national parks and open space continue to be so important.
Yes, nothing will get this country back on its economic feet faster than Government spending (sorry, "investment") on our state and national parks and, umm, "open space."  We're saved!


No wonder liberals are openly wishing for an alien invasion.  They've clearly run out of earthly ideas.

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